Part 2 of our equipment care and storage will include information on masks, snorkels, fins and exposure protection.
Absolutely everything should be fully cleaned and dried before storage, or you may have some surprises when you try to unpack them for that next dive adventure. It does not have to be stored in a heated area, but it does have to be stored dry and out of high humidity.
If you do store gear in an unheated area, remember to remove items such as cleaners and defog to prevent them from freezing. Be cautious if moving items while frozen. The soft silicone and rubber will become less pliable and even fragile when frozen.
Are best stored in their own case, not to be crushed, or stored with other items (clear, and even coloured silicone will discolour faster if stored with items like wetsuits, gloves etc).
Mouthpieces should be protected from crushing to retain their shape.
Best stored hanging by their straps or laying flat. Keep those pocket protectors in the fin pockets! Especially if stored flat and stacked with other items. This will help retain the shape of the pocket so you can get your feet in next time. If you don’t have the pocket protectors, an old towel can be placed inside to help the pocket from crushing.
Are best stored on a wide hanger, away from the furnace, with no strain on the zipper. If you don’t have the hanging space for them, loosely fold them, protect the zipper and do not stack them with heavy items.
Zippers and drysuit seals will benefit from a lubricant and protectant before being stored (and regularly throughout the dive season).
Neoprene hoods and gloves. Lay flat, and do not tightly pack or stack with heavy items.
Neoprene boots will benefit from a shape protector just like fins if stored in a bin or bucket to stop them from mis-shaping during storage.
Looking for storage guidance for BCD’s, regulators and tanks? Check out Part 1!