731 St Mary’s Rd

Winnipeg, MB R2M 3N5


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Advanced Snorkeler

Advanced Snorkeler

Price is $80 per person.

Learn snorkeling and skin diving techniques including checking buoyancy, surface swimming, clearing water from your snorkel and performing effortless surface dives.

Becoming an advanced snorkeler, also known as skin diving, is snorkeling while making breath-hold dives to observe aquatic life, up close and personal.  It’s a great way to explore the underwater world when you’re not able to scuba dive or if scuba diving just isn’t your thing.  This course teaches you how to enjoy watching life below the surface and comfortably venture underwater for short visits, whether you dive in a local freshwater lake or the big blue ocean, at home or on holiday at a dive destination.  This is a great first step for anyone who is interested in becoming a free diver!

The minimum age is 8 years old, you need adequate swimming skills and comfort in the water.  No prior experience is required.

This lesson is approximately 2 hours, includes; pool-side and in-water instruction with one of our PADI Professionals.  They will teach you how to use and adjust required equipment, basic safety guidelines for on, near and below the water, and breathing techniques used for surface dives.

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Welcome to Your Open Water Course!

Welcome to Your Open Water Course!

Congratulations on starting your adventure in SCUBA diving!!

Developed as an easy reference for our students; we have broken down all sections of the Open Water course, listed expectations, recommended places to stay at West Hawk and pretty much everything else you’ll need to know for your course.  I’m sure when you signed up you were SO excited to talk about SCUBA that you may have forgotten some of the finer details; you can always give us a call, send us an email or reference back to this page at any time.  And don’t worry, we are not innocent in rambling about SCUBA.. we get lost in it all the time!

Your academics are all at home study, so you can do them on your own time at your own pace.  All academics, including quizzes and exams, must be completed before the Open Water Dives – with exception of confined water at West Hawk, academics must be completed beforehand due to the nature of the condensed schedule.

  1. Textbook/Video
    • 5 sections with knowledge reviews at the end of each section, these are open book
    • Each section pertains to the skills and safety taught at each confined water session
    • Knowledge reviews are to be brought to the store prior to completing quizzes and exam
    • 4 quizzes and 1 exam based on the open water manual
    • Video code will be emailed and will need to be reviewed online
    • Dive computer simulator to be reviewed online
  2. eLearning
    • Allow 12-15 hours to complete full course
    • 5 sections with quizzes at the end of each section
    • Each section pertains to the skills and safety taught at each confined water session
    • Final exam must be completed online
    • Dive computer simulator to be reviewed online
    • Upon completion, 25 question quiz will be written in store

All of what we learn about SCUBA diving is taught and practiced in a controlled, pool-like environment.

  1. Pool Sessions
    • 5 pool sessions – one a week for 5 consecutive weeks
      • 1 extra pool session if completing the Open Water dives locally, for a neoprene orientation
    • Be on deck and ready for 7pm, you will be wrapped up around 9:15-9:30pm
    • Skills are progressive; basic skills are learned and built upon as comfort level increases
    • Equipment will be brought to and from the pool each session
    • Bring swimsuit, towel, quarter for the lockers and rashguard/wetsuit or an old tshirt
  2. West Hawk Lake
    • 5 sessions completed over 2 days, 9am start and can go as late as 3:30-4pm each day
    • Academics must be completed beforehand due to the nature of this condensed schedule
    • Skills are progressive; basic skills are learned and built upon as comfort level increases
    • You are responsible for bringing all of your equipment to the lake
      • A tarp to set your gear up on, and help with social distancing
      • 1 bucket of equipment and 4 tanks, that are best transported laying down
    • Bring extra warm clothing.  Bring more than you think you will need and extra warm layers for after the dive
      • When open, the campground showers accept loonies and toonies which is great way to warm up in between dives if needed

After completing the confined water lessons, it is time to head out to the open water scuba training site at West Hawk Lake in Manitoba’s gorgeous Whiteshell Provincial park – just 1.5 hours East of Winnipeg.

  • 4 dives completed over 2 days from June through October, usually 3 dives on day one and 1 dive on day two – weather depending.
  • Make sure to stop by Diver City to pick up your SCUBA equipment;
    • Though beautiful, West Hawk Lake is not tropical and full 7mm wetsuits, hoods and gloves are required to keep warm underwater.
    • You will need room for 1 bucket of equipment and 4 tanks, that are best transported laying down.
  • You will need a tarp to set your gear up on, and help with social distancing
  • Provincial Park Passes are required for all vehicles.  Weekend and seasonal passes are available at the Campground office or online.
  • Book your accommodations, SCUBA is new to you and you may not believe how tired you will feel after so we recommend students to not commute to the City each day.
  • Snacks and drinks. Diving takes a lot of energy and you may want a high energy snack between dives. As always, remaining hydrated is important, so bring water and juices to help you hydrate (and for an energy boost).  There are some options in town to grab a bite after the diving day is done.

Emergency Oxygen Provider

Emergency Oxygen Provider

New Certification – $175.00 (includes books and certification)

Refresher course – $60.00 (brushes up your skills after a period of inactivity)

Knowing how and when to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you’re ready to help others should the need arise. Becoming a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider lets you breathe easy knowing that you can recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen, and are prepared to offer aid.

There are no prerequisites, age restrictions or water sessions required for this course – it’s open to everyone. Scuba divers, snorkelers and anyone who is around divers – boat crew, lifeguards, etc. – will benefit from having this training.

You’ll learn about dive injuries, different types of emergency oxygen equipment and safety considerations when using oxygen. Then you’ll practice:

  • Assembling and disassembling emergency oxygen equipment.
  • Deploying a non-rebreather mask and a demand inhalator valve on a breathing diver.
  • Using a pocket mask on a nonbreathing diver.

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Emergency First Response

Emergency First Response

Emergency First Response is one of the foremost International CPR and First Aid training organizations.  Be prepared and confident to respond to medical emergencies – not just in the diving world, but everyday with your family, friends, and neighbours.

The Emergency First Response course is recognized in Canada and internationally, and can apply towards many employments requirements.  The course includes:

  • CPR – Adult, Child, Infant
  • Standard First Aid – Adult, Child, Infant
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training

Contact Us For More Information!

For Course Registration Click Here!   (you will be redirected to our online store)

Diver Propulsion Vehicle

Diver Propulsion Vehicle

DPVs offer a thrilling way for scuba divers to see a lot of underwater territory in a short amount of time. They scoot you through the water allowing you to glide over reefs, buzz around a large wreck or weave through a kelp forest. Whether making a shore or boat dive, a DPV is a great way to see more and have fun doing it.

If you’re at least 12 years old and a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or higher, you can enroll in the PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle course.

What will you learn?

The PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle course guides you in choosing the right DPV for you. You’ll make two dives and learn about:

  • Maintaining your DPV.
  • How to plan dives, including procedures for staying with your buddy.
  • DPV-handling skills, such as making proper descents and ascents.
  • Potential problems and ways to deal with them.

Get credit! The first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask your instructor about earning credit.

Contact Us For More Information!

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Underwater Pumpkin Carver

Underwater Pumpkin Carver

Do you love Halloween?  Drop the boring, old way of carving your pumpkin on the kitchen table and try it underwater instead!

What You Learn

This one-dive PADI Specialty course will teach you proper safety and use of tools, guide you with the buoyancy characteristics of a pumpkin and learn a new skill underwater.

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Underwater Navigation

Underwater Navigation

Be the diver everyone wants to follow and make your sense of direction legendary with the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course.  Finding your way is not a matter of luck! When everyone’s buzzing about a reef or checking out a shipwreck, they’re having a great time – until it’s time to go. Then they turn to you, because as a PADI Underwater Navigator, you know the way back to the boat.
What You Learn

Underwater navigation can be challenging, but in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course, you master the challenge. You learn the tools of the trade, including navigation via natural clues and by compass.

You learn;

  • Navigation patterns
  • Natural navigation (without a compass)
  • Compass navigation
  • How to “mark” or relocate a submerged object or position from the surface
  • Underwater map making
  • How to follow irregular courses with the Nav-Finder
  • Dive site relocation
  • How to estimate distance underwater

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Self-Reliant Diver

Self-Reliant Diver

Although most scuba dives are made with a buddy, an experienced diver may want or need to make dives without a partner. During the Self-Reliant Diver course, you learn about potential risks of diving alone and the value of equipment redundancy and necessary back-up gear.

What You Learn

During three scuba dives, you develop skills for self-reliance and independence, while becoming a stronger partner in a dive pair or team.

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Search and Recovery

Search and Recovery

Have you ever dropped something in the water? Are you looking for lost “treasure”? The PADI Search and Recovery Diver Specialty course will teach you effective ways to find objects underwater and bring them to the surface. Small, large or just awkward, there is a way to bring them up.  Find lost items and lift them to the surface, using a lift bag.  Not only are these skills fun, but very practical and ultimately useful because eventually, you’ll lose something in the water. As a Search and Recovery Diver, you’ll know how to search for and recover it.

What You Learn

  • Search and recovery dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and how to deal with potential problems
  • How to locate large and small objects using search patterns
  • How to use a lift bag and other recovery methods
  • Limited visibility search techniques

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Start Your eLearning Today!     (you will be redirected to PADI eLeaning)

For Course Registration Click Here!   (you will be redirected to our online store)

Aware – Shark Conservation

Aware - Shark Conservation

Overfishing, bycatch and finning. You know that shark populations worldwide are facing tough challenges. Luckily divers can help secure a brighter future for sharks.

What You Learn

The goals of the AWARE Shark Conservation Diver course is to inform you of the value of sharks to the marine ecosystems and economies, to educate you of the causes of declining shark populations, to build an understanding of what is missing in current shark fisheries management, to dispel any misconceptions that may block you from taking action, and to inspire you to help sharks by taking action.

Contact Us For More Information!

For Course Registration Click Here!   (you will be redirected to our online store)