731 St Mary’s Rd

Winnipeg, MB R2M 3N5


Online store always open


February 2019

BCD’s – Which One Is The One For You?

Jacket Style            Back Inflate                 Hybrid                            Travel-Friendly


Buoyancy Control Device (BCD); when deciding to purchase a BCD it can be a bit overwhelming.  What features do I look for?  How many types of BCDs are there? What is lift?  So here is a basic breakdown of what features and styles to look for;

Jacket Style BCD: Continue reading

Momentum Watches… A True Northern Watch Company

If you’ve been in the dive shop since November, you may have noticed our new watch display.  We have always carried Momentum watches.. contrary to what some of you may thought.. but now we have a big, beautiful display with lights.  Momentum watches are what we all wear proudly around the dive shop.  They are designed, assembled and serviced all within Canada.  They come Continue reading